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Andrea Bury, Part II

Andrea Bury, Part II

Andrea Bury has brought together modern designers and traditional artisans, creating a means for them to share and exchange knowledge, ideas and skills, giving a whole new life to design and production. Furthermore, her Abury Collection has quite literally made shopping guilt-free.For every product the company sells, the same number of production hours is given back to the artisan’s community in education hours. After a busy week between her work with Abury Collectionand Abury Design Exchange, when the weekend comes, the only thing Andrea thinks of sharing is a home-cooked meal with her partner.

Your chill pill
Running or yoga


The ultimate weekend
The ultimate weekend would be my partner and I driving outside of town to one of the lakes nearby then going running around the lake followed by a big, extensive lake-side breakfast. Then in the evening, going to galleries and exhibitions followed by a home cooked meal made together.
Your favorite place in the world

Too hard to choose just one – I love the ocean.

Sold out

Sold out

Sold out

Sold out
Pick your poisons
Drink:  Homemade vegetable and fruit juice... and champagne
Food:  I could live on bread
On repeat
At the moment it is Mackie Messeror Mack the Knife by Bertolt Brecht because my partner's son sings it all the time. We even printed the lyrics so we could sing it with him!
The most recent thing you added and / or checked off your bucket list
Checked off:  Booked a language course to finally learn Arabic
Added:  Visit Patagonia and Mongolia
Face your fears
Speaking in public
#TBT to the first memory that comes to mind when you think of a crazy weekend
A long time ago, in Rome, singing all night with a guy who looked like Bono, on the Spanish steps and selling roses. Maybe it’s not so crazy but it’s a great memory.
One person you wish would follow you on social media
Hmm… I never thought of it. I would much prefer to meet people in person.
Here for a good time, not for a long time – What’s your guilty pleasure?
Hot molten chocolate cake.
Read the first part of Andrea's feature here.
All media courtesy of Andrea Bury and Abury Collection.

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