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Relevé Fashion | Dirt Charity

Foundation for the Regeneration of the Earth

The Organisation

The Organisation

Arizona Muse
Arizona Muse
London, UK
London, UK
Countries Active:

Worldwide, because Nature has no borders

Countries Active:
Worldwide, because Nature has no borders
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth

Everything we need, have, and use, is grown in soil. Soil that has been abused by chemical agriculture and is often nutrient poor.

DIRT is an independent charitable organisation working toward regenerating soils that have been degraded by conventional agriculture and mining.

DIRT aims to increase soil fertility, biodiversity, community wellness, water retention and absorption, greenhouse gas sequestration, and educate about healthy land management, including biodynamic farming.

Regenerative agriculture is all about thriving biodiversity of multiple species of plants and animals all living in a good healthy balance, where quality of soil increases with each farming season. It gets richer and more full of life, supporting everything that surrounds it.

Biodynamic Farming is a type of regenerative farming and is a small movement that is not well known, yet holds the answer to Earth's regeneration. It is working hard to transform the agricultural system into a healthy one, one that supports life on Earth. It uses no chemicals at all and makes its own compost on the farm to fertilise the soil, omitting the need to purchase chemical fertilisers which are harming soil microorganisms. With each passing season, the life under the soil of a biodynamic farm becomes healthier and nutrient rich.

Biodynamic Farmers start by asking the question: "How can I help this land on which I live and work?"

DIRT works to regenerate soil globally by supporting and helping the biodynamic farming movement to expand. Everything grown in soil could be grown biodynamically and for all our benefits, should be.

DIRT achieves its goal of supporting the transition of all farmland to biodynamic management by creating market demand for biodynamically grown raw materials for products such as food, wine, garments, furniture, and skincare ingredients. By raising awareness that biodynamic agriculture exists and benefits us all.

DIRT's objectives are to raiseawareness that biodynamics exists and what governments, individuals, and businesses can do to support its growth and increase the amount of land that is cared for biodynamically.


Because raw materials are grown on farms. Buckles, silk, cotton, lavender, zippers, beeswax, plant-based oils, viscose fabric, wool, leather - you name it. In other words, everything we need comes from soil.

Unfortunately, 3⁄4 of Earth’s soil is now depleted and we are all affected. The time has come to take action and grow the materials we need on biodynamic farms and regenerate mining sites with biodynamic methods.


DIRT aims to increase the number of farms producing biodynamic materials by funding the transition of conventional farms (including forests, unused degraded land, and mine pits) to biodynamic operations.

DIRT's Actions

  • Garnering commitments from companies to source biodynamic fibres and materials
  • Raising funds to support biodynamic agriculture
  • Provide funding to biodynamic associations and farms
  • Creating consumer demand for biodynamic materials (including food, wine, leather, furniture, cosmetic ingredients and many more)
  • Connecting restaurants and hotels to biodynamic farms for food sourcing
  • Provide research and education
  • Match making between businesses who wish to support and biodynamic projects who need support
  • Sponsoring biodynamic conferences to raise awareness and education about biodynamics and welcome newcomers to the community
  • Building relationships between biodynamic farmers and raw material processors
  • Increase the categories of products produced by biodynamic farms: e.g. trees for wood pulp to be used by the paper industry and the wood fibre textile industry, as well as, wood for furniture and construction
  • Encouraging and enabling material and food processors to become certified by Demeter - the biodynamic certifying body
  • Supporting medicinal herb growers to cultivate their gardens biodynamically
  • Encouraging individual gardeners to use biodynamic preparations
  • Piloting urban parks to start managing parks biodynamically, increasing biodiversity, and using the preparations
Network of Biodynamic Bee Apiaries France
Supporting Brazillian Biodynamic Association
Regenerating Mines in Uganda
Biodynamic Wool Production in England
Relocating Trafficked Women and Children
Awareness Raising for Farmers in Egypt
Teaching Children How to Make Soil from Food Waste
Conventional Cotton Farmers Transition to Biodynamics
Reforest the Desertified Hillsides in the Philippines

"The time has come to give back to soil, to nurture it. To repay our debt to soil for the immense profits that our industries have drawn from it without consent."

DIRT is founded by model, environmentalist, and sustainability consultant Arizona Muse.

Photographed by the industry's most established names, Arizona has appeared on the covers of leading fashion publications and has been the face of international campaigns for global fashion brands. After being a model for years, Arizona realised she didn’t know enough about where the materials of her clothes came from. Ever since, she has been on an eye-opening journey, educating herself about the truth of how things are actually made, who makes them, and the impact this cycle has on planet Earth.

Muse consults to help brands incorporate sustainability into their core strategy, sits on the advisory board of The Sustainable Angle, collaborates with Extinction Rebellion, Fashion Revolution, and is Greenpeace’s Oceans Ambassador and Aveda’s first global sustainability advocate.

It is her life’s mission to raise awareness about the climate emergency and the climate solution that is Biodynamic Farming.

Relevé Fashion in partnership with

share with you the UN Sustainable Development Goals supported by DIRT Charity

Dirt Charity UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Global Goals

Relevé Fashion in partnership with

share with you the UN Sustainable Development Goals supported by DIRT Charity

Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth

Everything we need, have, and use, is grown in soil. Soil that has been abused by chemical agriculture and is often nutrient poor.

DIRT is an independent charitable organisation working toward regenerating soils that have been degraded by conventional agriculture and mining.

DIRT aims to increase soil fertility, biodiversity, community wellness, water retention and absorption, greenhouse gas sequestration, and educate about healthy land management, including biodynamic farming.

Regenerative agriculture is all about thriving biodiversity of multiple species of plants and animals all living in a good healthy balance, where quality of soil increases with each farming season. It gets richer and more full of life, supporting everything that surrounds it.

Biodynamic Farming is a type of regenerative farming and is a small movement that is not well known, yet holds the answer to Earth's regeneration. It is working hard to transform the agricultural system into a healthy one, one that supports life on Earth. It uses no chemicals at all and makes its own compost on the farm to fertilise the soil, omitting the need to purchase chemical fertilisers which are harming soil microorganisms. With each passing season, the life under the soil of a biodynamic farm becomes healthier and nutrient rich.

Biodynamic Farmers start by asking the question: "How can I help this land on which I live and work?"

DIRT works to regenerate soil globally by supporting and helping the biodynamic farming movement to expand. Everything grown in soil could be grown biodynamically and for all our benefits, should be.

DIRT achieves its goal of supporting the transition of all farmland to biodynamic management by creating market demand for biodynamically grown raw materials for products such as food, wine, garments, furniture, and skincare ingredients. By raising awareness that biodynamic agriculture exists and benefits us all.

DIRT's objectives are to raiseawareness that biodynamics exists and what governments, individuals, and businesses can do to support its growth and increase the amount of land that is cared for biodynamically.


Because raw materials are grown on farms. Buckles, silk, cotton, lavender, zippers, beeswax, plant-based oils, viscose fabric, wool, leather - you name it. In other words, everything we need comes from soil.

Unfortunately, 3⁄4 of Earth’s soil is now depleted and we are all affected. The time has come to take action and grow the materials we need on biodynamic farms and regenerate mining sites with biodynamic methods.


DIRT aims to increase the number of farms producing biodynamic materials by funding the transition of conventional farms (including forests, unused degraded land, and mine pits) to biodynamic operations.

DIRT's Actions
  • Garnering commitments from companies to source biodynamic fibres and materials
  • Raising funds to support biodynamic agriculture
  • Provide funding to biodynamic associations and farms
  • Creating consumer demand for biodynamic materials (including food, wine, leather, furniture, cosmetic ingredients and many more)
  • Connecting restaurants and hotels to biodynamic farms for food sourcing
  • Provide research and education
  • Match making between businesses who wish to support and biodynamic projects who need support
  • Sponsoring biodynamic conferences to raise awareness and education about biodynamics and welcome newcomers to the community
  • Building relationships between biodynamic farmers and raw material processors
  • Increase the categories of products produced by biodynamic farms: e.g. trees for wood pulp to be used by the paper industry and the wood fibre textile industry, as well as, wood for furniture and construction
  • Encouraging and enabling material and food processors to become certified by Demeter - the biodynamic certifying body
  • Supporting medicinal herb growers to cultivate their gardens biodynamically
  • Encouraging individual gardeners to use biodynamic preparations
  • Piloting urban parks to start managing parks biodynamically, increasing biodiversity, and using the preparations
Network of Biodynamic Bee Apiaries
Supporting Brazillian Biodynamic Association
Regenerating Mines in Uganda
Biodynamic Wool Production in England
Relocating Trafficked Women and Children
Awareness Raising for Farmers in Egypt
Teaching Children How to Make Soil from Food Waste
Conventional Cotton Farmers Transition to Biodynamics
Reforest the Desertified Hillsides in the Philippines

"The time has come to give back to soil, to nurture it. To repay our debt to soil for the immense profits that our industries have drawn from it without consent."

DIRT is founded by model, environmentalist, and sustainability consultant Arizona Muse.

Photographed by the industry's most established names, Arizona has appeared on the covers of leading fashion publications and has been the face of international campaigns for global fashion brands. After being a model for years, Arizona realised she didn’t know enough about where the materials of her clothes came from. Ever since, she has been on an eye-opening journey, educating herself about the truth of how things are actually made, who makes them, and the impact this cycle has on planet Earth.

Muse consults to help brands incorporate sustainability into their core strategy, sits on the advisory board of The Sustainable Angle, collaborates with Extinction Rebellion, Fashion Revolution, and is Greenpeace’s Oceans Ambassador and Aveda’s first global sustainability advocate.

It is her life’s mission to raise awareness about the climate emergency and the climate solution that is Biodynamic Farming.

Relevé Fashion in partnership with

share with you the UN Sustainable Development Goals supported by DIRT Charity

Dirt Charity UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Global Goals
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose and Support Dirt Charity Founded by Arizona Muse for the Regeneration of the Earth
Purchase with Purpose
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Purchase with Purpose
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