Big Change wants to see a society where every young person is set up to thrive in life, not just exams.
So that even in times of constant change, every child will feel emboldened to contribute positively to the world around them.
They believe that this is everyone's business. All parts of society, including parents, employers, and civil society, need to work together to support young people and schools.
So far, they've supported 36 projects working to support young people, parents, carers, and teachers, engaged 1.2 million children and young people and supported 143,000 teachers and adults.
Hopes for change for young people across the system
In 2019, Big Change created their 10 big hopes for change, publishing them with the hashtag #hopes4ed. These are the changes we want to see for all young people and across the wider education system.
Under each hope, they've set out a big idea for a solution or approach they want to make a reality. The 10 big hopes for change underpin and drive all that Big Change does.